Hello, 😊 How can I help you?
Welcome To The Doting Carers
We provide support for people who are in the last years of their life. Our aim is to ensure individuals live as well as possible with dignity until they regretfully depart. We ask you about your wishes and preferences whilst planning your care. We can also support your family or other people who are important to you. Individuals have the right to express their wishes about where they would like to receive care during their end of life period. Our experience shows that home is where the heart is and we ensure individuals receive high-quality care at home.
According to the NHS, there are 5 important priorities of Care
You should be seen by a doctor regularly and if they believe you will die very soon, they must explain this to you and the people close to you
The staff involved in your care should talk sensitively and honestly to you and the people close to you
You and the people close to you should be involved in decisions about how you are treated and cared for, if this is what you want
The needs of your family and other people close to you should be met as far as possible
An individual plan of care should be agreed with you and delivered with compassion